Sandwich, Siblings & Self-Assessment

Let's talk about the sandwich generation, sibling care teams and how to self assess to keep your sanity

Care Fast Facts

  • Nearly 60% of caregivers in the sandwich generation report high levels of stress. (AARP, 2020)

  • On average, Canadian caregivers spend about 20 hours per week providing care to their aging parents. (Carers Canada, 2019)

  • Studies show that only 31% of U.S. caregivers have utilized respite care, caregiver support groups, or professional advice, despite the potential benefits (National Alliance for Caregiving, 2020).

Caring for aging parents while managing your family responsibilities can be overwhelming.  It's common to feel stressed and stretched thin. Understanding the challenges you face and recognizing where you may benefit from support can make a significant difference, for you and the care recipient. 

Real Life: Meet Ben & Angela

The Care Dilemma - Aging at Home

Meet Ben and Angela, a brother-sister caregiving team facing the challenges of caring for their aging parents. An additional dynamic – two additional siblings who offer opinions but not much else, while Ben and Angela do the heavy lifting.

Ben and Angela's parents appear to be doing well cognitively, but their health is a growing concern. They're aging in a house filled with memories, clutter, and a lot of stuff. Conversations about future living arrangements and care planning have become easier as they recognize some challenges but the path forward is unclear.

The Caring Solution: The Value of a Confidant

With their Confidant, Ben and Angela created their personalized Active Care Plan which brought clarity and streamlined communication. This plan reduced emotional stress and effectively helped them convey crucial information to their less-involved siblings.

Through this process, the Confidant became a trusted ally. They provided Ben and Angela with guidance, direction, and resources to navigate their caregiving challenges. They also helped connect them with local practitioners for essential tasks like additional care, home cleaning, and real estate services that specialize in supporting seniors to downsize.

You Are Not Alone

Caring for a loved one is a journey that can often make you feel overwhelmed, invisible, and alienated. But here's the truth – you are not alone. Caregiver Brilliance offers self-directed resources and plans tailored specifically for family caregivers.

The Care Cafes offer friendly conversations with others, sharing experiences with humour and compassion. The tools and resources are designed to equip you with effective communication skills, support healthy boundaries, and navigate away from caregiver burnout. Everything is designed with you in mind, your time, your schedule, and what is a priority to you, the caregiver, right now.

Join the Caregiver Brilliance Community

Recognize your work, acknowledge your need for support, and embrace a community of caregivers just like you. At Caregiver Brilliance, we're here to help you navigate the complexities of caregiving and find the support you deserve. Your caregiving journey doesn't have to be a lonely one.

Join us today and discover the transformative value of a Confidant and the Caregiver Brilliance community.

Testimonials from Angela:

"Caring for our aging parents was taking its toll. The Caregiver Brilliance tools got us to put all our facts on paper, it helped us gain confidence, and it provided me with a sense of security when communicating with our other siblings. We're truly grateful for this support."

Testimonials from Ben:

"My sister and I were overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caring for our parents while our other siblings offered nothing but opinions from the sidelines. Working with a Confidant was a game-changer. The Active Care Plan allowed us to streamline our approach and create a paper trail for communication, reducing the emotional burden. It's been a tremendous help in navigating this challenging journey."

Self-Assessment: How’s your sandwich?

Are you caring for aging parents while raising your own family? Welcome to the sandwich generation. It is important to recognize the unique, and sometimes subtle, nuances of the Sandwich Generation especially if you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed.

Being able to understand the complexities of your care situation, and the reality that you are just one person can go a long way in making you feel effective and empowered to care for so many. This self-assessment can support you to reflect on your role, understand the challenges you face, and recognize where you may benefit from support.

  1. Do you frequently balance caregiving duties with your work or responsibilities?

  2. Have you experienced challenges in managing your time between caring for your aging parents and meeting your children's needs?

  3. Do you feel emotionally drained or stressed from managing the responsibilities of the sandwich generation?

  4. Have you ever had to make difficult decisions regarding the care or living arrangements of your aging parents?

  5. Do you communicate regularly with your siblings or other family members about the care and support of your aging parents?

  6. Do you feel you have a support team to help you manage your caregiving responsibilities?

  7. Would you benefit from additional support services that could help ease the burden of caregiving while you manage other aspects of your life?

There is no right or wrong. Your responses are your own and may change over time. Reflecting on these questions, you may better recognize the complexities of your role and the necessity of support systems.

Katie Couric

Caregiving is a role that can consume you, but it also shows you the depths of your love and resilience.

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